
*第22話 ある愛の終末 [#s5b0774c]

Goodbye My Love 


A beautiful woman seduces Kimble as part of a plan to have her lover kill him, and his rich invalid wife, so they can get married.

A deadly love triangle sucks in Kimble as fall guy for a murder. An ambitious lounge singer romances the fugitive hoping to force the hand of her married lover into divorcing his rich, disabled wife Norma for the duplicitous songbird. When that scheme fails, the young mistress convinces the reluctant husband to use convicted killer Richard Kimble - to permanently remove Norma from between the illicit couple and the wife's millions. Written by David Stevens

We are a year and a half before Jack Lord, who had always been looking for a big TV series success in a show he could own a piece of, (which is why he turned down the roles of Ben Casey and Captain Kirk), got a call that a show based in Hawaii wanted him for the lead. Here he's still stuck playing bad guys in other people's shows. Here he's a scheming husband trying to get rid of his crippled wife, (played by Patricia Smith) so he can marry a sexy young chanteuse, (Marlyn Mason). They find out who Kimble is and Lord hires him to work around his mansion so that he can be easily framed for the murder. It winds up with Kimble fighting Lord to protect Smith in a creepy sequence, made more so by the image in one's mind of Lord as McGarrett, enemy of criminals and protector of innocent victims. The ending is something of a disappointment, more a whimper than a bang.

Some ironies: Both David Janssen and Jack Lord had guested on Naked City in different episodes Lord was in "The Human Trap" (11/30/60), based on the Cheryl Crane case in which a daughter stabs a playboy to defend her mother. Janssen was in "A Wednesday Night Story" (11/1/61) in which he played a philandering husband who wants to kill his wife so he can marry the family's pretty Swedish governess. And Patricia Smith played a policeman in the first regular episode of Hawaii Five-0, "Full Fathom Five", (9/26/68), about a Bluebeard who marries rich women and then kills them to inherit their money. What goes around comes around- and around and around- in the wacky world of television.

Director: Lewis Allen

Writers: Lee Loeb, Roy Huggins (created by)

-Episode cast overview:
-David Janssen	David Janssen	...	Dr. Richard Kimble / Bill Garrison
-Jack Lord	Jack Lord	...	Alan Bartlett
-Marlyn Mason	Marlyn Mason	...	Gayle Martin
-Patricia Smith	Patricia Smith	...	Norma Bartlett
-James Lanphier	James Lanphier	...	Paul - Bartender
-Barry Morse	Barry Morse	...	Lt. Philip Gerard (credit only)
-Jack Raine	Jack Raine	...	Charles - Butler
-Ivan Bonar	Ivan Bonar	...	Detective
-Hal Riddle	Hal Riddle	...	Policeman

Patricia Smith  (1930–2011)

Marlyn Mason







*Add [#pea6cef5]





致命的な三角関係は、殺人のフォールガイズとしてキンブルを吸い込みます。野心的なラウンジシンガーは、彼女の結婚した恋人の手を彼の裕福で障害のある妻ノーマと重複した鳴き鳥のために離婚させることを望んで逃亡者をロマンスします。その計画が失敗したとき、若い愛人は、不法な夫婦と妻の何百万人の間からノーマを永久に取り除くために、有罪判決を受けた殺人者リチャード・キンブルを使うことを嫌がる夫を説得します。 デビッドスティーブンス脚本の作品



ディレクター: ルイス・アレン

作家: リー・ローブ、ロイ・ハギンズ(作成者)


-デビッドヤンセン	デビッドヤンセン	...	リチャード・キンブル博士/ ビル・ギャリソン
-ジャックロード	ジャックロード	...	アランバートレット
-マーリンメイソン	マーリンメイソン	...	ゲイルマーティン
-パトリシア・スミス	パトリシア・スミス	...	ノーマバートレット
-ジェームズ・ランフィエ	ジェームズ・ランフィエ	...	ポール-バーテンダー
-バリー・モース	バリー・モース	...	フィリップジェラール中尉 (クレジットのみ)
-ジャック・レイン	ジャック・レイン	...	チャールズ-執事
-Ivan Bonar	Ivan Bonar	...	探偵
-ハル・リドル	ハル・リドル	...	警官




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