
*第09話 死地に帰る [#rb0c83cd]

Nobody Loses All the Time 


While working as a bartender, Dr. Kimble sees the one-armed man in a live news broadcast. After arriving on the scene Kimble chases the man which causes a woman to be hit by a car. While treating her at a hospital, he discovers she has had a relationship with the one-armed man and might be able to tell Kimble where he is.

Kimble, working as a bartender, sees TV coverage of a large fire. In the crowd that gathers he sees Fred Johnson (the one-armed man), standing with a woman. Kimble abandons his post and rushes to the scene of the fire. When Johnson sees Kimble approach he runs, and the woman runs after him. She is hit by a truck. Johnson gets away as Kimble tends to the needs of the injured woman. Kimble claims to be Dr. Robertson, so he can accompany her in the ambulance to the hospital.

At the hospital, Kimble keeps up the masquerade as a doctor from the east, on vacation, and comes into close contact with Nurse Ruth Bianchi (actress Joanna Moore), a good nurse, and an attractive woman who is attracted to Kimble. There is presently a shortage of doctors due to the high number of casualties from the fire. Though not licensed in this state, Kimble gets permission to treat the injured woman, and learns she is Maggie Tibbett (actress Barbara Baxley), a middle-aged woman who is in love with Johnson. Kimble steals her key and goes to her home looking for clues about Johnson. Meanwhile, Maggie contacts Johnson, who tells her if she wants to see him again, she must call the police and inform on Kimble, which she does.

Lt. Gerard shows up and works with Det. Rowan (actor Phillip Pine) to try to capture Kimble. Kimble twice escapes difficult traps at the hospital, at times aided by Ruth Bianchi, and ends up leaving town without his quarry. Meanwhile, Ruth and Maggie commiserate about the failures in their love lives, but remain hopeful because nobody loses all the time.

Director: Lawrence Dobkin

Writers: E. Arthur Kean, Roy Huggins (created by)


-David Janssen	David Janssen	...	Dr. Richard Kimble / Dr. Robinson
-Joanna Moore	Joanna Moore	...	Nurse Ruth Bianchi
-Phillip Pine	Phillip Pine	...	Lt. Rowan (as Phillip E. Pine)
-Barbara Baxley	Barbara Baxley	...	Maggie Tibbett
-Barry Morse	Barry Morse	...	Lt. Philip Gerard
-Don Dubbins	Don Dubbins	...	McCaffrey
-Herbert Ellis	Herbert Ellis	...	Officer Hallet (as Herb Ellis)
-Ben Wright	Ben Wright	...	Dr. Ferguson
-Bill Raisch	Bill Raisch	...	Fred Johnson
-Nora Marlowe	Nora Marlowe	...	Woman in hotel
-Larry Aten	Larry Aten	...	Workman (as Lawrence Atkin)
-Patrick Riley	Patrick Riley	...	Policeman
-Pat O'Hara	Pat O'Hara	...	First officer
-Robert Munk	Robert Munk	...	Second officer
-Guy Remsen	Guy Remsen	...	Second policeman



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Nobody Loses All the Time 

Nobody Loses All the Time 







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