
第29話 絶体絶命

The End Game

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A dragnet traps Dr. Kimble to within a few city blocks while hides out in a house owned by two men. One of the men believes Kimble is innocent and the other does not, and wants to turn him over to the police.

The End Game was a great way to finalize season 1 of "The Fugitive" as it was one of the series' better episodes.

Richard Kimble makes the mistake of turning his head at exactly the wrong moment and as a result, becomes the focus of an 8 square block manhunt.

We are introduced to the concept of dupes (those who are easily manipulated to one's own end,) and eccentric homeowner's Reed & Devlin (played by John Fiedler and John McGiver respectively.)

Kimble has the necessity of convincing Mr. Devlin of his innocence which is not very easy as Devlin is a stubborn, natural born cynic. Mr. Reed on the other hand followed Kimble's trial and emphatically remembers that 4 jurors held out for more than 3 days professing his innocence.

Barry Morse is instrumental as Lieutenant Gerard in that he builds up the suspense mood. He shows an aptitude for predicting Kimble's method of operation and treats the manhunt like a chess game. Morse also shows his chivalrous nature in his treatment of the food vendor. He is certain it's the end for Richard Kimble and hence "The End Game" title.

Director: Jerry Hopper

Writers: Stanford Whitmore, Roy Huggins (created by)


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The End Game


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+  For Jap

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Last-modified: 2020-12-24 (木) 22:58:00